Create Glass Effect in Photoshop to Enhance Your Design.

Create Glass Effect in Photoshop to Enhance Your Design.

Table of Contents

Today, we’re going to unlock the secrets of creating captivating blur effects in Adobe Illustrator. And guess what? We won’t leave you scratching your head wondering how to move those glass effects around. We’ve got you covered! In this blog, you’ll be learning about the glass effect in Photoshop.

Setting the Stage: Locking and Positioning

First things first, let’s get our project going. Open a new document in Illustrator and import your image from File > Place. Position it in the center of the artboard and lock it in place. Now, use the Rectangle tool to draw a box also in the center, and align it perfectly.

Create Glass Effect in Photoshop to Enhance Your Design.

Clipping Mask Magic

Unlock everything, select both the background and the box and copy them (Edit > Copy). Then, paste them in place (Edit > Paste in Place) and nudge them slightly out of the way using the arrow keys. Now, select both again, and go to Object > Clipping Mask > Make. Your image is now cropped to the box.

Introducing the Blur Effect

Now for the star of the show – the blur effect! With your cropped image selected, go to Effect > Blur > Gaussian Blur. Adjust the value to your liking and click OK. Voila! You’ve got a beautiful blur effect, but it’s tied to the box, and we want to free it!

The Hidden Technique: Moving Blur in Real-Time

Head over to the Layers panel, expand Layer 1, then the Clipping Group, and select the rectangle inside. Click on the dot next to it to ensure it’s the sub-layer that’s selected. Now, hover over the edge of the shape (not the body), and move it, resize it, or even rotate it. The blur effect follows along in real-time, giving you full control.

Experimenting and Advantages

Play around with the rectangle, the blur will update as you make changes. You can create cool UI designs with movable blur effects, like adjusting a box’s size, edges, or positioning. It’s a handy feature that lets you explore various design possibilities effortlessly!

Creating the Glass Effect

Want to add more pizzazz to your design? Duplicate the rectangle and apply a gradient. Adjust the opacity and angle for a stylish glass effect. You can also play with the stroke and artistic effects like grain to give your design that extra flair.

Saving and Reusing Graphic Styles

Save your glass effect by dragging it into the Graphic Styles panel. Now, you can instantly apply it to any new shape you create. No need to recreate the glass effect every time – how awesome is that?

Create Glass Effect in Photoshop to Enhance Your Design.

Swapping Images and Editing Blur

Lastly, if you want to change the image without starting over, go to Window > Links. Relink the image to a new one, and all your effects will remain in place. To edit the blur, double-click on the effect, adjust the value, and you’re done!

You’ve unlocked the power of movable blur effects and created a masterpiece! Your designs are now flexible, editable, and ready to dazzle. Keep experimenting, and don’t forget to save your custom styles for future use. We hope you’ve enjoyed this magical journey of design!

If you’d like to learn more fantastic Illustrator tricks, stay tuned for more informative and friendly blogs. Happy designing!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)  

What is the glass morphism effect?
In objects with a glass morphism effect, you can see the image or colors behind them, but not completely.

Why is glass morphism trending?
Glassmorphism adds a touch of modernity and depth to web and app interfaces, making them visually engaging and appealing to users.

Who created Glassmorphism?
Michal Malewicz

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